summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
Camp Counselor Positions
Teams of two counselors work together providing leadership and safety to small cabin groups of 8-12 campers for 4-6 day sessions. While in camp, counselors live with their campers in cabins. Counselors participate in program activities with their own cabin groups and other campers, working with Supporting Staff. Throughout the nine camp sessions, counselors will have the opportunity to work with different co-counselors and different cabin groups.
Responsible for groups of eight to twelve campers each day and perform the activities associated with the group.
Serve as a lifeguard or lookout during general swim and general waterfront activities.
Perform assigned kitchen/maintenance/store duties.
Lead and prepare various programs and activities associated with camp. Activities may include crafts, hiking, songs, games, opening and closing ceremonies, swimming, archery, canoeing, etc.
Assist in the public relations aspect of camp and camp promotion.
Be aware of the health and safety of campers.
Know and understand all emergency procedures associated with the camp program.
Maintain cabin cleanliness and general upkeep.
Assist in program development and staff planning.
Identify and respond to camper behavior issues and/or report issues to Program Leaders.
Maintain professional appearance, attitude and demeanor for duration of employment.
Maintain camper's wellbeing and safety when in public or working with public providers.
Show active interest, concern, and enthusiasm for campers, staff, the camp, and the environment.
Other job-related duties as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities of this position.
Qualifications - Required
Experience in camp, youth programs, recreation, working with children, or in a related field.
Ability to lead, plan, organize, and implement program activities.
Ability to work as a member of a team and the ability to accomplish tasks with little direct supervision.
Strong organizational and communication skills.
CPR and First Aid are required for all Resident Camp Staff positions.
Attend Camp Manitou Staff training
In order to ensure a quality experience for campers and staff, staff must be committed to work all session days for each week they are contracted.
Room and board will be provided for the duration of the contract period.
All Counselors must be at least 17 years old.
Qualifications - Preferred
Lifeguard certification
Wilderness trip experience