summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
General Information
Photographs and Video
We take many pictures of our campers enjoying their time at camp. These photos are used in our weekly video and in promotional pieces. Feel free to share any of your photos with us!
Keeping in Touch with your Camper
Campers love mail! Encourage family and friends to send letters with positive messages assuring all is well. A long running camp tradition is that campers are thrown in the lake if they receive 5 letters. As it takes a couple days for mail to arrive, so it is a good idea to send letters prior to the start of a session if possible. If you do so, please add the session name however there is no need to list the cabin name. At check-in there will be a drop-off area for mail and packages for your convenience. Due to allergies, please do not include items with nuts. Also, please do not send Silly String as it it hard to clean up. Mail and packages can be sent to:
ATTN: Camper’s Name – Cabin Name
Camp Manitou
27960 137th Street
New Auburn, WI 54757
Pre-addressed/stamped postcards to make it easier for younger campers to write home. If your camper has a problem, illness, or urgent message, the camp staff will call you. Should you have a message for your camper, please contact us and we will pass it on. If your camper wants to contact you, we will determine a plan of action based on the situation and what is best for your camper’s needs to ensure a successful time at camp. Please have campers leave cell phones at home to allow them to experience independence and a technology-free time.
Cancellation Policy
We will accept cancellations at any time prior to the start of a session for any reason, such as an illness, unplanned change to schedule, or significant anxiety. Should campers desire to withdraw their attendance, we will refund your balance minus the non-refundable deposit. Please inform us as soon as possible regarding any cancellations so we can open up your spot for another camper to attend. Should we choose to cancel a session prior to the start, we will offer a full refund. You can cancel online or email camp@ymca-cv.org.
Changing Sessions
If your camper would like to change sessions please contact us. Changes will be made based on availability.
Check out our website and Facebook page and to keep up-to-date on camp news. Send your camp photos or stories to: camp@ymca-cv.org