summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
Camp Kitchen & Grounds Crew Positions
Grounds and Kitchen Crew perform some of the most vital functions in camp, maintaining high standards of safety and cleanliness. When not assigned to their specific work areas, all staff are highly involved in the camper experience supporting counselors and Support Staff with games and activities.
Kitchen Crew Responsibilities
Sweeping, mopping and other cleaning duties in the dining hall and kitchen.
Assist with meal preparation, serving and clean up.
Assist the Food Service Director in maintaining ACA and State standards.
Displays active interest, concern, and enthusiasm with campers.
Other job-related duties as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities of this position.
Grounds Crew Responsibilities
Sweeping, dusting, cleaning windows and rearranging Main Lodge.
Sweeping, scrubbing sinks, toilets and shower areas and other washhouse duties.
Assist with maintenance indoors and outdoors as directed by supervisors.
Assist the Facilities Team in maintaining ACA and State standards.
Displays active interest, concern, and enthusiasm with campers.
Other job-related duties as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities of this position.
Qualifications- Required
Kitchen and Grounds Crew must be aged out of attending Camp Manitou sessions (at least entering grade 11).
If applicant is 15 years old at the start date of Staff Training, then a work permit must be obtained prior to starting work.
CPR and First Aid are required for all Resident Camp Staff positions.
Attend Camp Manitou Staff training
In order to ensure a quality experience for campers and staff, staff must be committed to work all session days for each week they are contracted.
Room and board will be provided for the duration of the contract period.
Qualifications- Preferred
Lifeguard certification