summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
Main Session Pay Scale
*Updated 11/01/24 to reflect pay scale for summer 2025
Note: New staff age 18 and up may start at a higher level based on experience and relevant education.
Support Staff Position Pay Scale
Waterfront Director, Health Supervisors, Program Leader, Grounds Crew Leader, & Camper Mental, Emotional, Social, Health and Inclusion (MESHI) Coordinator
Receives their counselor equivalent with CPR or lifeguard, plus and additional $30
Food Service Directors
Receives their counselor equivalent with CPR or lifeguard, plus and additional $50
Dietary Specialist, Store Manager, & Videographer
Receives their counselor equivalent with CPR or lifeguard, plus and additional $15
Head Counselor
Receives counselor equivalent with CPR or lifeguard, plus and additional $15